The Stone Roses、The National和Low的紀錄片公佈預告片


由《This Is England》的導演Shane Meadows執導的The Stone Roses紀錄片《THE STONE ROSES: MADE OF STONE》今天公佈預告片,涵括曼徹斯特傳奇樂團The Stone Roses的完整生涯記錄,不但包含從未公佈的歷史​珍貴畫面,還有樂團為在曼徹斯特的Heaton公園舉辦的復出演唱會暖身的幕後紀實。本片將呈現The Stone Roses的音樂為何感動樂迷,還有2012年的演唱會為何獲得了廣大的迴響。《THE STONE ROSES: MADE OF STONE》會於5月30日在曼徹斯特首映,六月在英國上映。

Shane Meadows' highly anticipated documentary THE STONE ROSES: MADE OF STONE, about the legendary Manchester band, will open on 5 June across the UK and Ireland through Picturehouse Entertainment. The release will follow a premiere on Thursday 30 May in Manchester at a location to be announced, with the band set to make a rare public appearance alongside director Shane Meadows and producer Mark Herbert.


The National主唱Matt Berninger的弟弟Tom一直覺得活在哥哥的陰影下,他只聽重金屬音樂,想知道哥哥的獨立搖滾樂團為什麼那麼成功。2010年時,他接受哥哥邀請,加入The National巡迴的工作團隊,在路上他一邊記錄樂團的日常生活,他發現哥哥其實壓力很大,時常喝酒、抱怨,還面臨巡迴壓力和創作野心的相互拉扯。《Mistaken For Strangers》是一部關於親情、音樂和藝術理想的電影。

In 2010, The National embarked on the biggest tour of their career. After ten years as a band, and five critically acclaimed albums, they were finally enjoying wider recognition. Lead singer Matt Berninger invited his younger brother, Tom, to join the tour's crew.


導演Philip Harder已經和Low密集合作了20年,從第一張專輯的單曲〈Words〉開始,他為樂團拍攝了許多支MV。《​How to Quit Smoking》除了介紹Low的二十年音樂生涯,最主要是記錄Philip Harder和Low的長期友誼和彼此成長的地方。影片包含許多MV的幕後拍攝過程,像〈Words〉就是在一個結冰的湖上拍的,過程十分艱辛。

Low Movie (How To Quit Smoking) follows the entire career of the iconic band Low and their relationship with director Philip Harder. For twenty years they made music videos and short films together, filming on ice, in railroad yards, and in rapidly disintegrating rooms. Low formed in 1993. Before the band’s debut record, Harder, armed with a 16mm camera, filmed the band on Lake Superior in minus 30 windchill. At the time Low bucked rock protocol by turning their volume down and the haunting visuals helped define their minimalist approach. As Low matured they turned up and the lyrics grew more aggressive and political. The visuals followed suit resulting in clips that were never released due to the violent subject matter. Year after year, for two decades, Harder continued to shoot Low’s music. For Low Movie, Harder went back into the vaults and reassembled all of his 16mm negatives, including outtakes, new material mixed with old, much of which has never been seen by anyone, including the band. Low Movie was created by the one person — other than members Alan Sparhawk and Mimi Parker — who has worked with the band Low over its entire existence.

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