英國獨立樂隊The Pastels將在今年發行睽違十六年之久的新專輯《Slow Summits 》


就在日前獨立廠牌Domino Records宣布它們將在2013年發行The Pastels的全新錄音室專輯《Slow Summits》。專輯於他們的家鄉格拉斯哥錄製,芝加哥完成混音,這也是他們繼1997年的《Illumination》後相隔十六年後所帶來的全新作品。你可以在下方欣賞到這張新專輯的預告影片。

We are extremely excited to be able to announce a new Pastels record for 2013. Slow Summits is the record we waited so long for, wondered about, pencilled in then pencilled out, and now finally, triumphantly can pencil back in... but not with a pencil, with a flourish, with a fountain pen.

Deep One Perfect Morning © 2012-2022